DISCOVER: Dissecting radIation effectS into the Cerebellum micrOenVironmEnt driving tumour pRomotion
Project news
First deliverable of DISCOVER project
Data Management Plan of DISCOVER research project is delivered.
Kick-off meeting of the DISCOVER project
ENEA hosted the kick-off meeting of the DISCOVER project on 14th and 15th May.
Project objectives and goals:
Radiation carcinogenesis is traditionally linked to DNA damage, but there's growing acknowledgment that radiation can induce microenvironmental changes and epigenetic modifications, challenging the conventional target theory. The DISCOVER project will explore the interplay between DNA damage, microenvironmental changes, and epigenetic modifications in radiation-induced carcinogenesis. Using Ptch1+/- mice with a predisposition for medulloblastoma, the project aims to understand how different cerebellar populations respond to moderate (2 Gy) and low (0.1 Gy) radiation doses. Various model systems, including mice, ex-vivo cerebellum slices, and in vitro cell cultures, will be employed to evaluate the microenvironment's role in transmitting radiation signals for carcinogenesis. The study will encompass comprehensive analyses of morphology, function, tumorigenesis, omics data, secretome, and extracellular vesicles. An integrated analysis of DISCOVER animal data and publicly available human brain cancer data aims to identify patterns/signatures for medulloblastoma development.
Project coordinator
Simonetta Pazzaglia
ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Rome